
Welcome to the Shannon Fabrics Blog

At Shannon Fabrics, we’re always looking for ways to enhance your experience and make your ordering process as seamless as possible. That’s why we’re excited to introduce our new quick order tool!.


Tune into our National Quilting Month episode of Sew Together LIVE! Cuddle® Ambassador Lisa Lueck will be talking about All Things Machine Quilting! Tune in to get quilting inspiration, tips and.


Emily Tindall

Author & Digital Content Manager
Emily Tindall
Emily is a 20-something quilter who is passionate about teaching people how to quilt and sew, and fostering a community of quilters. Her journey with sewing began at 12 years old making costumes for school plays. Thankfully, her love for sewing has continued to grow and change ever since. After learning how to quilt from her grandmother, Emily has realized how drastically the relationship with her grandma has inspired her to want to teach others too. Her mission is to build relationships through fiber arts, and to help people learn new skills to express their own creativity.
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